Monday, June 13, 2011

What's greater than beer, cheese and bread. When you mix them all together.

Just had to share this easy supper I made last week.

I have been searching for different kinds of bread recipes since our bread maker broke down and I came across this amazingly easy and tasty beer bread found here
First step, find two beers. One for yourself and the other for the recipe.

Mix according to the direction from the link above.

While the bread was cooking I decided to make some homemade soup.

We had frozen chicken breasts in the freezer. I threw them frozen into a pot, with a whole onion peeled and halved and a couple of bay leaves. Let that all boil to cook the chicken. Once done take about two cups of the water, strain it and add it to the main soup.

Meanwhile I chopped celery, grated two whole carrots, 1 cup of grated turnip and chopped another onion. Added 10 cups of water/chicken broth mix,1 cup of barely and turned up the heat to bring everything to a boil. Season the soup with salt and black pepper. Once the the veggies are kinda of tender, add some tarragon, chop-up the cooked chicken breasts and add some fresh dill. 

Tada Finished Product. 

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