Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

Welcome to my blog! My ever so intelligent and talented sister-in-law and fellow blogger gave me the idea of starting a blog about fatherhood.

What better day than today to kick this all off and what better thing to write about than fathers that have/had/still influence/influenced me.

Grandpa George Gigian

We spent many times floating in the waters at otter falls, fishing every corner of the lake. Thanks Grandpa

Uncle John
I spent many of my younger years avoiding conversation with him with fear if I did, I would get teased. Now a days I find myself joking and picking fun at my ten year old daughter and think "betcha Uncle John had a hand in this". Thanks Uncle John.


This is my father-in-law. He lives a little distance away from me, but he influences me everyday through the hand he had in raising his daughter. Thanks Pete.

My Dad

Who has and still is teaching me what a great father is, some of these skills are: fishing, car repair, telling bad jokes, patience, understanding, the comb over and the list can go on and on and on. Thanks Dad.

So to all you fathers out there, Happy Fathers Day. Thank for all the advice/guidance/skills you have passed on and are still passing on.


  1. Hello Jason,

    I like your blog. You forgot one father, our father who art in heaven!!! And you of course, you're a new father too. Happy father's day.

    Love Lindsay

  2. What an amazing way to start a blog about fatherhood! I'm so glad you did this and I can't wait to read about your fatherhood journey. Thanks for being such a great father to my neice and nephew.


  3. Nice start to your blog. Really makes me realize that all the small things in life really do count. I think your next one should be about all the wonderful aunts you have!!!! Just kidding. Keep up the good words.....

    Auntie Joyce
