Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Social awkward couple seeks friends

A tough thing about being a parent is trying to find and keep friends.

In this day in age of On-line dating I wish there was a place to search out friends. Couple friends with kids, who enjoy going to the zoo, camping, or just coming over for game night. Now I am sure some sites are available but my fear is posting an add saying "couple seeks couple". Afraid that might send the wrong message.
It is tough, to put yourself out there, and hope that you are impressive enough as a couple to make new friends.
Me personally I feel anxiety about having friends over, try to hard to impress to the point I am really not myself or become so stressed with fear of saying the wrong thing, that I just do not say anything at all.
My wife Lindsay, can carry a conversation very well. She is definitely a better person in groups than I.
The day I met Lindsay we were both 16, she just moved to Winnipeg from Thompson, been here only a week and was invited to the same house party I was at. I still remember how relaxed she seemed and how she managed to introduce herself to everyone at that party. She also managed to grab my attention, I was so excited to meet her and was so nervous to talk to her. I am a socially awkward person now, but if you knew me back then, you would consider the now me an extravert. I ended up walking her home at the end of the night, but got so nervous about what to say, ended screwing things up so bad.Only walked her half way home, saying that I was cold! Took her 10 years to forgive me on that one.

Still I feel as a couple though we have some great things to offer.

So here is our couple friend seeking profile if we were to submit to a on-line service

Married Couple 29 seeks fun adventurous couple to grow old together!

About Us

We are soon to be 30 something, who have two children, a 10 year old daughter and a 31/2 month old son. Husband is currently a student in Computer Science. Wife is a Professional Civil Engineer. Our likes are: camping, fishing, home renovation, dinner out, board games.
We are laid back go with the flow (well he is) kind of people. Well educated nerds/geeks who can offers advice on techy things and building things.

Looking for good friends to share social life with.

Anymore questions just ask in the comments below.


  1. I know we don't have any kiddies and sometimes we're kind of lame...but you always have us!!!


  2. Thanks Lenore I know we can always count on you and Jack for a good round of friday night poker. You guys are never lame ever!!!

  3. What a great intro! If your father-in-law and I lived in Winnipeg and were 30 something, we'd definitely be applying for couple seeks couple...cuz you're our kind of folk.

    I'm certain that in no time at all you will find friends that will be very compatible. We know for a fact that they'd be very fortunate to have both you and Lindsay for friends.

    Laura and Dad
