Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Didn't know what to say?

Had a friend ask me "Whats your life like now, you know with kids?" and to tell you the truth all I could say was that it's great. After saying it though I felt I should be able to express more the "just great". Shouldn't I? I read a blog a while back that listed things you need to be, to be a great father. One of them said " Realize that the wonderful memories you create with your children will always be with them forever, the material things won’t. "

That made so much sense to me and sticks with me all the time.

If you thought of growing up, what do you remember?

Is it the amount of toys you had piled up in your room, or do you remember sitting down and playing with those toys with Mom, Dad, Brother or Sister?

Do you remember every dollar you would get every year from your birthday or do you remember Mom or Dad taking you to the store and letting you pick out a toy you have been wanting?

Do you remember that you had a big or small house or rather that Mom and Dad tucked you in every night, even when you were a little older (to old to admit) but you could not get to bed with out it?

So here is what I want to add to my 'just great'.

Fatherhood is all about the memories.By no means am I giving up anything! I am just changing priorities to the priorities of my children, to give them the memories they deserve.

Nothing more rewarding then seeing your new born son smile when he sees your face, or your daughter score her first goal in ringette, or your son actually laugh for the first time, or listen to your daughter read to you for the first time or this or that. The rewards are endless!

I love my children and that is how I want them to remember me, and that is what life is like with kids!


  1. Hi Super Hero Dad,
    Well, I'd say you have got your priorities organized in the "heart department"...the "love" channel. "Schtuff" comes and go...certainly no place to hang your hat on for long, but the deliberte memory-making moments you create with your family is what it is all about.
    Are you a super hero dad in the making" You bet!
    Love Laura and your father-in-law, Pete

  2. Thanks guys, I enjoyed writting this one.

    It really came from the heart.
